Posts Tagged ‘Simple Line Follower Robot’

Simple Line Follower RobotIn the current age, applying the next generation technologies combined with new ideas and trends is mandatory to present an innovative project. Robotics is one such project that deals with computer systems, construction, design, application and operation of robots. From home automation to bomb sniffing and autonomous devices, these robots provide reliable solutions with high speed and low power.   Choosing this excellent technology for their final year project has a lot of scope for creativity and innovation for the students as the project does not require much explaining and speaks for itself. Also it enables the students to build and understand the design principles of programming robots.

Projects in Chennai

There are several organizations in Chennai that offer excellent training in Robotics to help students learn and appreciate future technologies.   There are a few well known terms in electronics which are inculcated into robotics too. Hence every engineering student should get to know these terms to be able to understand and work with building robots. These organizations offer Robotics projects to the students during the course which can be implemented in industrial projects for process automation, material handling and several other applications. Once they gain a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals, they can easily design and program a robot and present a successful project for their final year. The projects that are offered by these organizations are:

Simple Line Follower Robot: This is a basic robot that can react much faster to the changing track using differential drive. It follows a definite track with combination of hard and soft turns. This robot can rotate on the spot, by rotating the wheels on the opposite direction.

µc Based Line Follower Robot: This Robot can distinguish between dark and light surfaces with the help of sensor depending on the amount of IR rays reflected back to the IR receiver.

Obstacle Avoider Robot: This Robot senses the obstacle in its path and using the concept of PWM reduces its speed and takes a reverse turn.

We are living in the golden age of technology where disruptive innovations are taking place around the globe. Powerful emerging technology such as robotics is going to define our future. Just like the internet or the smart phones, robotics will impact many aspects of our lives in the near future.

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